Wednesday, June 01, 2005

First visit--Birmingham

I've just realised that I haven't finished writing about my trip on January!

Well, continue on Birmingham...

After leaving Leamington Spa, we (my sis & I) took the train to Birmingham where my sis live & study. at first, I thought it was a quiet city because it was Sunday when we arrived...there wasn't many things to do...we spent that night having Pizza Hut (& that was the first time & only once for Pizza Hut in UK) & watching a film 'White Noise' (the first time as well)

that night wasn't so I not really like eating out with many people (we went out nearly 10 people I think) and I don't like watching a film!..but that wasn't a big problem for me..I love to experince the new things & there was a great chance to know the night life in a big city...

the following day..Monday..I spent the afternoon in the was crowded by thousands people & most are Indians!...this city is really nice for shopping but it just not suit with me...a girl from a countryside (even I live in the centre of my town)...

anyway, I got only one night in Birmingham..& I think I will revisit again but to somewhere away from the city centre (or shopping centre)

that night I took the train back to my town...expected to reach the town around 10pm but the train was delayed because of the electrical problem (hahaha) I reached home around midnight or 1 in the morning!

not a good nor a bad experience!